The amount of hard disk space needed for storing DVR or NVR video can be affected by factors like DVR or NVR's compression technology, image resolution (how many pixels on each image), how many frames/images the DVR or NVR captures per second (fps)and how many hours of recordings to keep per day.

Even with the same compression algorithm, the amount of noise in the picture, the brightness, the movement of the objects alot of other factors will all impact the size of the video file.

CCTV Hard Drive Calculator

Camera Stream: H.264 (DVR SYSTEMS)
Camera Resolution:
QCIF (176x120) 1 Megapixel (1280x1024)
CIF (352x240) 2 Megapixel (1600x1200)
4CIF (704x480) 3 Megapixel (2048x1536)
Video Quality: Highest Medium Standard
Average Frame Size: KB

Number of Cameras: -10 -1 +1 +10

Frame Rate per Camera: FPS - (Frames Per Second)
Hours Each Camera Will Record per Day: Hours Per Day
Desired Storage (Number of Days) per Camera: -10 -1 +1 +10

Total Bandwidth Required: Per Camera:

Estimated Storage:
  • 1 frame per second is the lowest frame rate record and 30 frames per second is the maximum which is real time
  • There is no real need to record in real time unless there are regulatory reasons as in case of government facilities or casinos
  • Recording at 1 frame per second is what traditional analog systems record
  • At 3 - 5 frames per second recording you will not miss any activity (remember this is per second)

This calculator provides an estimate, not an accurate projection, to be used by system integrators/installers as a reference in determining how much hard disk space to put into a DVR or NVR.

Please keep in mind, features like hard disk redundancy or raid configuration will further reduce the length of videos that can be stored by 50%.

If you need help call (802)385-1020 We start at $75.00 per hour!